Sau – Hack The Box Write-up

Last Christmas, I had a crack at an easy Linux machine on Hack The Box.


File Storage and Transfers with AWS S3

I recently wanted to share large files with a friend and solved the problem in the same way I did when I was at university. Only this time I documented the process in a blog post.



I have been using DTrace a lot lately and the other day, while on a walk, the idea of writing a self replicating program using DTrace came to mind. This post introduces quines and how to write them in general, using the C programming language as an example. Then it demonstrates a new quine I wrote using Awk. Finally the limitations preventing me from writing a self replicating program in the DTrace d language are explained.


Infosec resources

I find myself asked what resources I recommend for someone looking to get into cyber security a lot. For consistency and to save me repeating myself, I have turned a list of my top infosec suggestions into a blog post.


GCC compatible inline assembly with Clang

A follow-up to the LLDB and Clang cheat sheets. This post provides an overview to writing inline assembly on macOS using GCC compatible extended assembly. Code snippets are shown and dissected to demonstrate capabilities and references to the most useful sources of information on the topic are assembled in one convenient location.


Practical Typesetting with TeX Live

There are times when you need documents to look professional. Whether you’re contributing to an academic journal, or writing a book and want to stand out from the masses of self published e-books, created in a word processor. For me it’s university reports. This blog post is a hands-on tutorial showing how to use TeX Live to typeset professional documents using a template. It is intended to help me to quickly get up to speed with LaTeX after not using it in a while, and help anyone else to solve the same problem or get started with typesetting in general.



A write-up for a weekend investigation of the forensic potential of the wget-hsts file. Describes the key features which make the artifact valuable in an investigation.


LLDB Cheatsheet

A cheatsheet containing some of the most useful debugging commands for the LLDB debugger. Also includes a section on finding memory leaks and a bonus clang cheetsheet.


Have fun and incidentally learn Linux

A tutorial for Students who need to learn Linux for a University module or anybody who is interested in learning Linux or AWS in general. Learn to provision an AWS instance running Ubuntu, protect it from attackers and connect to it for the first time. The rest is up to you.


Open Source Summit EU 2018

Having whet my appetite for tech conference attendance at Open Source Summit 2018 in October, I wrote a trip report to share my experience and encourage other first time attendees to take the leap.


Last updated: Sunday April 14, 2024